San Antonio Theatres:
Now & Then
Past & Present
Intro page
San Antonio Theatres HP
Table of Contents
Direct 2 Hollywood
Justin TV gy2020
Paul Adair
Paula Allen
Bill Bremer
Mel Brown
B. & M. Copeland
H A Dan Daniels
Alice Geron
Gerald Lyda
Melissa Martinez
Jim Miller
Mike Panasenko
Bob Polunsky
Larry Ratliff
Mike Rivest
Drive-In Theatres
Alamo Drive-In Theatre
Bandera Rd. Drive-In Theatre
Capitan Drive-In Theatre
Circle 81 Drive-In Theatre
Drive-In Theatre, The, (Fredericksburg Rd. Drive-In Theatre)
El Charro Drive-In Theatre
Fiesta Drive-In Theatre
Hi-Park Drive-In Theatre (Parkair Drive-In Theatre)
Judson 4
Kelly Drive-In Theatre
Lackland Drive-In Theatre
Mission Drive-In Theatre
Rigsby Drive-In Theatre
Roxy Drive-In Theatre
San Pedro Outdoor
South Loop 13 Drive-In Theatre
Towne Twin Theatre
Trail Drive-In Theatre
Valley Hi Drive-In Theatre
Varsity Drive-In Theatre
Drive-In Theatre Links:
Drive-In Jim's Drive-In Theatre Movie Page
San Antonio Outdoor and Drive-In Theatre Tribute Site